Law gardener is a platform for every individual irrespective of any gender, religion, cast, creed whether the person is from law background or non – law background. Here we post latest legal news, simplified explanation of legal points, Organize Webinar’s, Post Quotes by various eminent Jurist & famous personality .
Our motto is to give basics of law to every common man ,So our tagline is “ Planting the seeds of law” .
Law gardener is organizing its thirteenth webinar which will be live on YouTube on the topic “ Tips for Drafting Legal Resume & Cover Letter” With Miss. Aashna Jain.
Participants can submit there questions they would like to ask to the speaker during registration itself & also they can ask the questions in the comment section of the live stream.
Date of Webinar :- 08/10/2021 , Time :- 4:00 PM
Registration Link :- Click Here
Note :- Participation Certificate will be given to all the participants after filing the Feedback form which will be given after the session.
For any Query can contact on :-
E-mail :- lawgardener210@gmail.com
WhatsApp:- 9739634630