About the Seminar UPDATE

Research and Innovation Division (rID), MyLawman, and Center for International Legal Studies and Training (CILST) are organizing a one-day International Seminar on ‘Human Rights, United Nations, and International Law’ on the occasion of UN Human Rights Day on 10th December 2023, and to observe the 75 Years of UDHR. 

The objective of the Seminar is to provide a platform to academicians, researchers, students and professionals from various law schools and academia of allied disciplines (Political Science, International Relations and Politics, Human Rights) to engage in highly enriching discussions on various themes and sub-themes and to further introspect, review and enhance the academic acumen vis-à-vis the expert opinions and analysis of UN, Human Rights and International Law.

Who can participate?

Academicians, bureaucrats, professionals, diplomats, researchers, Students etc. from various fields of law and/or Political Science, Human Rights, International Relations, Politics and International Affairs, and allied and multi-disciplinary fields are invited to contribute to the Seminar.

UN 2023 Theme- 



  • Role of UDHR in Strengthening Justice and Human Rights
  • Role of the UN in developing and enforcing Justice and Human Rights for all
  • Changing Dimensions of Civil, Political, and Economic Rights
  • Role of UN Agencies in Protecting Human Rights
  • International Human Rights as the norm
  • International Human Rights Law (International Law, Treaties, and basic principles)
  • Crossroad of Duties and Human Rights
  • National Security and Human Rights
  • Changing World Order and Human Rights
  • Human Rights and COVID-19 
  • Economic Rights in times of COVID-19
  • Public Health and Human Rights
  • Internationalisation v localisation of Human Rights
  • Global Human Rights v Local Laws
  • National Human Rights Institutions
  • Judiciary and Human Rights
  • Democracy, Human Rights and Governance
  • Constitutionalism and Human Rights
  • Human Rights Practice
  • Human Rights Education
  • Human Rights of Vulnerable Group
  • Protection of Women, Children, and Elders
  • Fourth Generation of Human Rights
  • Development and Human Rights
  • Human Rights, Environment, and Sustainable Development
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Human Rights in the Age of the Internet
  • Law, Technology, and Human Rights
  • Human Rights in New Technologies (AI, Blockchain and IoT)
  • IoT, Robots v Privacy and Other Rights
  • Future of Human Rights

Submission Guidelines

The Seminar invites papers from students, academicians, bureaucrats, professionals, diplomats, researchers, etc. from various fields of law and/or Political Science, Human Rights, international relations, politics and affairs, allied subjects, and multi-disciplinary fields on the above-mentioned theme and sub-theme. papers shall be selected and admitted to the Seminar on the basis of the Abstract, initially.

The following are the guidelines:

The abstract should be accompanied by a separate cover page comprising a brief profile of the author including the current academic position, e-mail ID, contact number, and official address.

  1. The word limit for abstracts should be between 150-350 words.
  2. The submissions should be original and unpublished.
  3. Co-authorship is allowed for up to three persons.
  4. Full name(s) of the author(s), along with their designations must be given.
  5. Journal of Indian Law Institutes (JILI) rule of footnoting and citation style should strictly be followed in the submissions, non-compliance to this will lead to it being summarily rejected.
  6. The word limit for research papers is 4500-8000 words (maximum, excluding footnotes).
  7. The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman, with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 with single-line spacing.
  8. A margin of four centimeters should be left on all sides.
  9. Page borders should not be used.
  10. The paper should be submitted in MS Word (doc.) Format.
  11. The email should entail the following:
  • Abstract (without the author’s details).
  • Cover Letter [with the name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s)].
  • Abstracts & research papers should strictly be submitted via Google Form Link. Notification of the selection of abstracts shall be sent to the participants within three days from the submission of abstracts. 

Publication of the articles

  • Research and Innovation Division (rID), MyLawman shall select remarkable papers presented during the Seminar, post the successful conclusion of the review process.
  • Subsequently, the selected articles shall be published in a Book titled bearing ISBN. (Preferably from an International Publisher or Indian Publisher with International Repute).
  • A few Other Papers may be asked to be published in MyLawman Socio-Legal Review (a Journal bearing ISSN)


  • Best Paper Award: Certificate of Merit+ Other goodies from MyLawman
  • Best Paper Award (Student): Certificate of Merit + Other goodies from MyLawman
  • Best Presentation: Certificate of Merit + Other goodies from MyLawman
  • Best Presentation (Student): Certificate of Merit + Other goodies from MyLawman
  • Certificate of Presentation to All.
  • Certificate of Participation to all the Delegates

Venue: Online

Important dates:

  • The Last date for Abstract Submission: 8 December 2023
  • Final notification of selected abstracts: 9 December 2023
  • Last date of Registration: 9 December 2023
  • The Last date for Submission of papers: TBD (after the seminar presentation by 25 December 2023)
  • Seminar: 10 December 2023

Fees: The Registration fee for the seminar is as follows-

INDIAN participants:

Bonafide Students (Graduates/Postgraduates)

– Single Author: Rs 800 INR

– Co-Author (2 Authors): Rs 1400 INR

Academicians/ Professionals/ Research Scholars

– Single Author: Rs 1100 INR

– Co-Author (2 Authors): Rs 1800 INR

Delegates: ₹500 INR


THROUGH UPI –  mylawmanseminar@axl


Bonafide Students

– Single Author: $20 

– Co-Author (two authors): $36 

Academicians/Professionals/Research Scholars

– Single Author: $30

– Co-Author (for two authors): $55

Foreign Delegates: $ 15 

Fees Payment

Payment link with Final registration shall be sent in the selection mail of Abstract. The Payment and Final Registration shall be required for entry into the seminar. Mere selection of Abstract does not ensure entry to the Seminar.

Contact Info

Organising Committee
Center for International Legal Studies and Training 

  • Mr Abhinav K Mishra

     +91 9958948005


Important links:

Further details at mylawman.co.in/hrseminar23 

  • STEP 2 of Registration shall be sent in selection mail along with payment details.


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