- About Faculty of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, M.P.
The Faculty of Law was established in the year 2014 as part of Jagran Lakecity University (JLU), Bhopal, a private university established under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956. Faculty of Law, Jagran Lakecity University is one of the most premium global law schools in Central India. With a focus on domain-specific research by faculty and students and hands-on training through moot court and internship, we ensure that our students are ready to make their mark in the legal fraternity from day one. Faculty of Law aspires to forge pathways leading to a legal education that is not only more inclusive and progressive but also characterized by innovation and opportunity. It stands as a beacon of legal education, providing aspiring lawyers and legal scholars with the foundational tools, critical thinking skills, and ethical principles necessary to navigate the complex and ever-evolving world of jurisprudence.
- Details about 2nd JLU NMDC, 2023-24
Following the resounding success achieved in the inaugural edition i.e. the I JLU National Memorial Drafting Competition, 2022, we are delighted to unveil the 2nd Edition of the JLU National Memorial Drafting Competition, 2023-24 proudly presented in collaboration with Lawctopus Law School as our Knowledge Partner and Lawctopus as our Media Partner.
This competition offers participants an exceptional opportunity to enhance their legal research acumen, polish their writing and advocacy skills, and most importantly, gain priceless experience in constructing persuasive and compelling legal arguments.
- Eligibility
Students currently enrolled in either five-year integrated/three-year LL.B. or LL.M. program at any recognized university or law college are eligible to participate in this Competition. There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university.
- Mode
The Competition operates exclusively through an online mode, focusing solely on the submission of Memorials.
- Registration and Submission Procedure
Teams shall register via filling the following Registration Form: https://forms.gle/adBUDgiQTVc16i9x5 on or before 11:59 PM (IST), 30 November, 2023.
Registration fees: Rs. 400/-
(The registration fee shall be non-refundable and non-transferable in any circumstance.)
Registration for the Competition is limited to a maximum of 50 teams, and allocation of slots will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis.
All the teams must submit the soft copy of the Memorial for both sides (Petitioner and Respondent) on or before 11:59 PM (IST), 05 January, 2024.
The Memorial(s) should be sent in both PDF and Word formats (.pdf & .doc/.docx). Memorials must be submitted solely through a Google Form Link, which will be shared via email upon the completion of registration requirements.
- Fee Details
Payment Link: https://pay.jodo.in/pages/Vd4SKUGiYY3DG7Qj
For the registration process, all participants are mandated to upload a screenshot confirming the payment made via the Google form provided above.
- Awards and Perks
Best Memorial – Petitioner (1st Position) – Prize money of Rs. 3000/- + Certificate of Merit + Publication of Memorials on our Media Partner Lawctopus’s website + Interview of the winning team to published on our Media Partner Lawctopus’s website
Best Memorial – Respondent (1st Position) – Prize money of Rs. 3000/- + Certificate of Merit + Publication of Memorials on our Media Partner Lawctopus’s website + Interview of the winning team to published on our Media Partner Lawctopus’s website
Runners-up Memorial (2nd Position) – Petitioner – Prize money of Rs. 2000/- + Certificate of Merit
Runners-up Memorial (2nd Position) – Respondent – Prize money of Rs. 2000/- + Certificate of Merit
2nd Runners-up Memorial (3rd Position) – Petitioner – Prize money of Rs. 1000/- + Certificate of Merit
2nd Runners-up Memorial (3rd Position) – Respondent – Prize money of Rs. 1000/- + Certificate of Merit
4th to 10th Position – Certificate of Merit
All the participants who successfully register and submit their memorials for this event shall be provided 20% scholarship on Moot Court Courses provided by our Knowledge Partner Lawctopus Law School.
All the participants who successfully register and submit their memorials for this event will receive a ‘Certificate of Participation’.
(All certificates shall be in digital form & digitally signed and will be sent on the email ID provided in the Registration Form.)
- Important Dates
Release of Moot Proposition: November, 2024
Last date of Registration: 11:59 PM IST, 30 November, 2023 (Thursday)
Last Date for Seeking Clarifications: 11:59 PM IST, 05 December, 2023 (Tuesday)
Release of Clarifications: 08 December, 2023 (Friday)
Last date for Memorial Submission: 11:59 PM IST, 05 January, 2024 (Friday)
Announcement of Result: 16 January, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Contact Information
Mr. Omkareshwar Pathak, Assistant Professor, Faculty Convenor, Moot Court Committee, Faculty of Law, Jagran Lakecity University
Contact: +91-7223004927
Ms. Srishti Khairwar (IX Semester, B.A., LL.B. (H.))
Student Convenor
Contact: +91-8319854185
Mr. Aryaman Singh (VII Semester, B.B.A., LL.B. (H.))
Student Co-Convenor
Contact: +91-7000931011
Ms. Nishtha Thaker (VII Semester, B.A., LL.B. (H.))
Student Co-Convenor
Contact: +91-7970040264
- Official Link