BriefCASED is back with yet another engaging webinar series to indulge you in some major discussions with a bunch of eminent jurists with tons of experience in the legal world. A week long of reflective learning which you definitely should not miss!! Hurry register now.

13th July 2020
*COVID 19 and payment of rent: rights and liabilities of tenants.*

14th July 2020
*Overview of white collar crimes*

15th July 2020
*problems faced first generation lawyers and how to overcome them.*

16th July 2020
*Decriminalization of economic offences: a wise step?*

17th July 2020
*Data protection laws*

18 July 2020
*Overview of competition law in India*

19th July 2020
*Crime against women: with special reference to domestic violence act.*

Register at

briefCASED Webinar Series


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