*”Don’t let the voice of others’ opinions drown at your own inner voice.”*
*- Steve Jobs*
Ready to present your opinion and raise your voice?Ready for another amazing debating experience? Then here is a chance.
*SUBODH MUN* Presents:-
The rules are as follows-
1-Participants will have to speak either for or against the topic they will choose.
2-Medium of speech can be bilingual.(Hindi or English- Participants must stick to one language throughout their speech.)
3-Time limit- 2+1 minutes
4-An interjection round will be held after the speech of every Participant.
5-Judgement will be based on presentation,content and response to the interjection.
6-Decision of the judges will be final.
1- *The House believe that India need Uniform Civil Code.*
*.सदन का मानना है कि भारत को समान नागरिक संहिता की आवश्यकता है*
*Register Here-*
*1st,2nd and 3rd winner* will get Free Goa Trip for 3 Days.
E-certificate will be provided to all winners and participants.
For more updates please follow and like our Instagram page:https://instagram.com/ subodh_mun?igshid= 1tz766c04sf35
*31 may 2020
All the participants will get E- certificate 

• Sunil Kumar :- +91 93584 06717
(Event Head)
• Rehan Sharma :- +919828819667
(Event Coordinator)
• Nishtha :- +91 99504 31962
(Event Coordinator)