Yogya-Empowering Society is an independent think tank culminating the efforts of students, policy researchers, legal advisors to provide efforts for nation-building collectively.
Yogya constructs valuable research in policy and legal field intending to provide a substantial amount of input for improving the domains of law and policy. We work with centers of public policy, governing bodies for the right of women and child enabling field research to become a yardstick for transformation.
Vichardhara is a fresh initiative by Yogya to bind the students in the Lecture series by various activists, politicians, scholars, educationist and social workers. Yogya is coming up with its first session of Vichardhara on the theme: Use of RTI as a Tool and. The session will be effective and knowledgeable on all aspects of the use of RTI and the influence of Politics on RTI.
The Right to information Act, 2015, which came into effect on 12 October 2005, is one of the most significant legislations enacted by the Parliament of India. The Act confers on all the citizens the right to access the information and correspondingly, makes the dissemination of such information an obligation to the public authority. The Right to Information Act, 2005 was enacted with the avowed objective of providing an effective framework for effectuating the Right of Information recognized under Article 19 of the Constitution of India.
The seminar is open to all the students, teachers, academicians, professors, school students, service man, government organization, NGO,s , think-tanks etc.
A certificate of Participation shall be issued to all the participants.
Schedule of the Event
Ø Date: 22nd March 2020
Ø Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Ø Venue: NDIIT College, Nehru place Road, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019
Ø Registration – 9AM TO 11AM. (22nd March,2020)
Speakers for the session
- Subhash Chandra Aggarwal, (RTI Activist and consultant to Delhi Government)
- Divya Jyoti Jaipuria, (President, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum)
- Neeraj Sharma, RTI Activist (Filed a RTI on the Educational qualification of PM Narendra Modi)
- Naresh Yadav, (Member of Legislative Assembly- Mehrauli, Delhi & Advocate).
Registration Fees
All the participants are requested to register with the fee of Rs.100 for the talk.
To Register please visit the official website here – www.yogyafoundation.org
*Spot Registration permitted
v On the spot registration is also there but as the seats are less we cannot assure about the seats. So it’s better to register online as soon as possible.
Avinash Sharma (Founder, Yogya): 9810170098
Email: avinash13sharma97@gmail.com / yogyaempoweringsocicety@gmail.com
Neha Sharma (Executive Founder, Yogya): 9015171077