Second Edition of “National Essay Writing Competition 2020″ By Lex Hunt : Registrations Open


We are going through a time nobody ever imagined of. We are in a state of pandemic and almost whole world is locked down. However, we believe and understand that learning of a law student should not stop due to such unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, Second Edition of National Essay Writing Competition atmosphere we have decided to keep the topic of the essay as COVID-19 Pandemic”


Students can write on Pandemic”. We have decided not to restrict the essay on any particular sub-theme. The concerned student is free to choose any topic related to the prevailing atmosphere created by COVID constitutional, international, commercial, civil, administrative etc. The only requirement is that the essay should be related to law and relevant laws are critically analyzed and presented.

Note: Students are free to choose the title of their essay.


 The Competition is open for all students pursuing/ completed Undergraduate Law and/or Post Graduate Law courses in any recognized University/College across the country.
 Co-authorship is only permitted for this essay competition up to 2 co-authors.


Please register yourself by submitting this Google Form by filling out necessary details.
Registration fees: Rs.300 (Single Author)
Rs.500 (Co-Author)

*An automated mail will be received after registration.


 Date of Release of the Competition: 08.04.2020.
 Last Date of Registration: 15.04.2020.
 Last Date of Submission:30.04.2020.
 Announcement of Results: 20.05.2020.
Note : No submission will be accepted after the last date of submission i.e 30.04.2020 midnight.


 Best Essay – E-Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 3000 Rs. + 1 Month Paid online Internship with Certificate + Publication of Essay on (Online ISSN 2582-306X)
 Runners up – Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 2000 Rs. +1 Month Paid online Internship with Certificate+ Publication of Essay on (Online ISSN 2582-306X)

 3 rd Best Essay – Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 1000 Rs. +1 Month online Internship with Certificate+ Publication of Essay on (Online ISSN 2582-306X)

 Certificate of Merit would be awarded to the top ten participants.
 A soft copy of the Certificate of Participation will be sent to all the participants after the successful declaration of the results.


 All submissions will undergo strict online Plagiarism Check. The Candidate will be disqualified if the plagiarism is found to be more than 10%.
 The word limit of the essay should be between 2000-2500 words exclusive of foot notes.
 The foot notes should be in Blue Book Format (20 th Edition).
 Speaking Foot Notes are not permitted, and shall lead to deduction of marks.
 The essay should be in Times New Roman, Font Size should be 12 and Line Spacing must be 1.5 and margin 1 inch from each side.
 Shortlisted Title of the essays and name of the winners will be published online on our website and instagram page.
 All the participants must send electronic copies of their essays in “.docx”(Microsoft Word) and “.pdf” formats by email to on or before 30.04.2020. Any entry after the deadline shall not be entertained.
 The subject of the submission email should clearly mention “Submission for the Second Lex Hunt Essay Writing Competition 2020”
 Participants shall also be required to clearly mention their names, contact details, name of their respective institutions along with course undertaken and year of study in the body of email.

 Non adherence to these guidelines will lead to disqualification. However, Lex Hunt reserves its discretion for deciding otherwise.
 Certificate of Participation will be given to all the participants.


For any further details or queries, please write to
Or on Whatsapp: +91-8536086074
Or on our instagram page:
Visit us at –

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