About Law Mantra Trust: “Law Mantra” (headquarters New Delhi) (Registration No 150 in Book No.4 Vol No 3, 603 0f 2018) is not for profit organisation running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same. Law Mantra is a registered society under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 whose members are leaders and members from the legal fraternity, other professions with a nexus to conflict resolution, academics and experts from various fields who are committed to resolve conflicts and disputes using innovative mechanisms and methods such as Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiations and Arbitration. Law Mantra is a body of Jurists, Advocates, Academicians and Students running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same.
About Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad: The idea of ‘Symbiosis’ is nurtured by Dr. S. B. Mujumdar on the principles of Vedic thought ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ which means ‘World as One Family. Symbiosis Law School (SLS) Hyderabad is established in 2014 inheriting splendid novelty, dynamism, and excellence in the education of Symbiosis International University, Pune. The Legacy of Symbiosis Law Schools in excellence and quality began with Symbiosis Law School Pune, which is consistently ranked among the top 10 law schools in India in the last 13 years. As a policy, the Symbiosis Law School, Pune will mentor the Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad campus. Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad is founded on pillars of expertise, justice, and Service and is committed to impart quality legal education confirming acclaimed International standards. SLS, Hyderabad is cocooned in the upcoming educational zone with state of art infrastructure catering impending needs of the student community. It shares expertise in imparting quality legal education through competent and well-qualified teaching staff, techno-driven research culture, Internationalization, centers of excellence, training and skill enhancement programs, moot courts, and the like. It is committed to contributing to the justice mission of the state by initiating pro-bono activities to help poor and marginalized people through community lawyering, legal aid camps, and permanent legal aid clinics. Further, it endeavors to create value-conscious skilled lawyers with par excellence serving dynamic needs of the community through Bar and Bench.SLS, Hyderabad offers five-year integrated undergraduate programs like Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BA LLB) and Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws (BBA LL. B) and Post Graduate Program in Business and Corporate Laws to cater to varied needs of the profession.
Concept Note:
The International Seminar on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in International and Domestic Law is taking place on 18th September, 2021Online. The International Seminar on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in International and Domestic Law is being organized by Law Mantra Trust and Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad.
The Seminar aims to examine and analyze the Domestic and International Law in today’s times. The International Seminar will be attended by various international delegates and speakers as also representatives from the national Diaspora representing the stakeholders in the digital ecosystem and alive web. These would include representatives from the Central Government & State Governments, various Ministries, Law Enforcement Agencies, Police, Business, Information Technology, Corporate Sector, Academicians, Scholars, Service Providers, International Organizations and distinguished thought leaders.
To provide a platform for stake holder like organizations working in international and national level, legislatures, civil societies, researchers, practitioners, academicians, activists and policy makers to deliberate and discuss on what is required to build strategies and to address the constraints in inclusive practices towards betterment of the society.
The Organizing Committee welcomes original papers, relating to, but not limited to the following topics:
- Labour Rights under globalised environment;
- Indian labour market and Role of Social Partners
- Trends and Challenges of labour Laws in India
- Protection of rights of Unorganised Workers/labour
- Nature of Industrial / Employment Relations in India
- Gender and Vulnerabilities
- Children, in particular issues of Child Labour, Child Trafficking, Child Sexual Abuse, Sentencing of Juveniles and appropriate processes for trial of Juveniles
- Violence and Victimization of the Elderly and Response of Criminal Justice Administration
- Poverty and the Criminal Justice System, National and International Norms for early release of Under Trial Prisoners
- Victims’ Voices in Criminal Justice System, Witness Protection System and its Challenges
- Victims of Cybercrimes
- Persons with Disabilities and Victimization
- Development induced Displacement, Violence and Victimization
- Advancing Intellectual Property Goals through Prevention and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Gender, Identity, Politics and Law
- Human Rights
- Industrial and Environmental Issues
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Juvenile Justice
- Law, Economics and Management Studies
- Law, Medicine and Ethics
- Legal Education
- Media & Law
- National and International Taxation Issues
- Personal Laws in Changing Times
- Public and Private International Law
- Sexual Offences
Note: These Themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to work on any topic related to above-mentioned theme.
Procedure for Submission of Abstracts:
- Abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer reviewed before they are accepted.
- The following information, in the given format, should be send along with the Abstract:
- Name of the Participant, Official Designation/Institution Details, Address and Email id, Title of Abstract
- Submit your abstract to lawmantra001@gmail.com
Guidelines for Paper Submission:
- The title of the paper should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address. It is mandatory to mention Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it;
- Name and details of Co-author, if any;
- Chapter: Chapter should be in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced. Main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centered 12 point font. Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and 12 point font. Author’s names should be in small capitals and centered 12 point font Footnotes should be in Times New Roman 12 point font;
- Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi Style;
- Submission of the abstract: A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit. All submissions must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 Minimum Keywords;
- Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected;
- Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the Intellectual Property of Law Mantra;
- The title of the Chapter should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address. It is mandatory to mention Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it;
- Name and details of Co-author, if any;
- The paper should be typed in MS WORD format (preferably 2007 or 2010);
- The paper must be in single column lay out with margins justified on both sides;
- The length of paper should not be below 4,000 words (including footnotes) and Should not Exceed more than 10,000 (Including Footnotes).
Publication Opportunity
Selected will be published in book bearing ISBN, International Journal of LegalResearch and Governance (Print Journal) bearing ISSN and Law Mantra Journal. (If Paper will Selected for Publication in Book bearing ISBN, Contributor have to Contact Publisher and will have to pay charge if any one wishes to procure Hard Copy of Book as per bill raised by Publisher ).
Student | Rs. 500/- |
Faculty/Professional/Research Scholar/Other | Rs 700/- |
Both Author and Co-Author have to register seperately.
NO Registration Fees for Faculty and Students of constituents of Symbiosis Intrernational (Deemed University), Pune
Submission of Abstract | 2nd September |
Confirmation of Abstract Selection | 4th September |
Registration | 12th September |
Submission of Draft Paper (Proposed Paper) | 15th September |
Seminar Date | 18th September |
Submission of Final Paper | 2ndNovemeber, 2021 |
Publication of Selected Paper | By Decemeber, 2022 |
Who Should Attend?: Students, Research Scholars/Faculties/Academicians,Corporate Delegates, Business entities, Lawyers.
Rules for the Presentation:
- No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last date of submission respectively;
- Participants/Paper Presenters have to register after the acceptance of abstract with payment of required fees;
- For participation, registration is mandatory on confirmation of the participation. Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in Conference;
- All the registered participants will be provided a participation certificate;
- Event will be hosted through Zoom/Cisco-Webex or any other Online Platform.;
- Technical Session will be organized through Google Meet/ Zoom/Cisco-Webex or any other Online Platform.
HELPLINE:+91-9310053923 (Law Mantra Office)
Email: lawmantra001@gmail.com
For More DetailsVisit: www.lawmantra.org