About Law Gardener
Law gardener is a platform for every individual irrespective of any gender, whether the person is from law background or non – law background, here we post latest legal news, simplified explanation of legal points, Quotes by various eminent Jurist & famous personality and provide law notes to all .
Our motto is to give basics of law to every common man , So our tagline is ” Planting the seeds of law “.
About the event
We are going to conduct a Quiz competition which is going to be a combination of law, current affairs and basics of history , It will contain a bunch of 20 questions in google form , participants should answer in 15 minutes .There willl be Free entry i.e no registration fee .
Date :-
Link of the google form will be released on the June 1 , link will be released in our law gardener Instagram page
( @Law_gardener ) exactly on 12:00 AM (IST) which will be there for 24 hours. So to be on time follow our page
It is open for every person who wish to attain the quiz
1. Quiz will be of Mcq pattern
2. It will be a combination of law, current affairs and basic history
3. In 15 min , 20 questiona should be answered
4. If there is a tie, then Person who participated first will be declared as winner so follow our page to win the quiz first
1. Cash reward for the winner
2. Certificate of excellence for the top 5 participants
3. 10 percent off in katcheri.in‘s collaboration courses.
4. 40 percent off in publication fee with JLSR Journal.
5. E-certificate to all the participants
91 97396 34630