About Mr. TechBot
Mr.TechBot is a platform of association for the students from various fields like engineering, Law, Commerce and other professional areas.It maily works on providing assistance to the needy in respected area. Our main goal is to amalgamate expertiseness from each and every field of study. We have more than 90+ campus ambassador in different Universities and Colleges . For easy access of materials our Creator has developed many Applications on both Android and iOS; there we provide free Educational material as well as consultancy.
About the Mr TechBot Online quiz Competition
Protecting our beautiful mother Earth is not only the duty of environmentalists, it’s also our duty to know the environment and the method through which we can contribute a small but great part in it.
On this very specific motive we are organizing Mr. TechBot quiz Competition on the World Environment Day ie.5th of June .
Date – 5th June
Timing- 4:00 pm to 4: 20 pm
Mode – online
Eligibility- Open for all
. World war
. Environment Day
. Current Affairs
. Medieval India
. Indian Constitution
. General Science
1st prize 1500 INR
2nd prize 600 INR
3rd prize 400 INR
Merit Certificate for Top 10
Participation certificate for all
Registration details
Registration fee only 30 Rupees per individual
Submit your payment through phone Pay / Paytm –
A/C – 393902010017094
IFSC- UBIN0539392
A/C Holder name – Vivek Kumar
How to register:
Click on the link https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/ 1FAIpQLScjdHo1McKlumeu1tJXQj5r nrDzDhkvnQFD78MX7fST8oHZyQ/ viewform?usp=sf_link
In case of any query please write us at mrtechbotcompetition@gmail.com