The theme of the article writing competition to be held as part of the second edition of the Memorial Lecture Series in loving memory of Adv. Lily Thomas, is
“Ambit and scope of accountability/liability of a public officer, in India, in the event of failure to perform public duties or to protect The Fundamental Rights while discharging public duties.”
Article 34 of the German Constitution provides for liability for violation of official duty. Under the provision, if any person, in the exercise of a public office entrusted to him, violates his official duty towards a third party, liability shall rest principally with the state or public body that employs him.
In the event of intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence, the right of recourse against the individual officer shall be preserved. The ordinary courts should not be closed to claims for compensation or indemnity. Many other countries have guaranteed such rights in their Constitutions.
The essay writing competition invites/calls for articles on the important subject of accountability of offices holding Public Officers, especially Civil Servants, Central/State Governments, PSU’s, Nationalized Banks, and other officers who use public money for the public cause.
Our competition under the head “Lawyers as Inventors” is a way of intriguing the creativity and innovation of budding lawyers. We put our belief in you to put life into living.
- Winner: Rs. 10,000/- along with a Certificate of Appreciation.
- First Runner-up : Rs. 5,000/- along with a Certificate of Appreciation.
- Second Runner-up : Rs. 3,000/- along with a Certificate of Appreciation.
- The next seven participants will each receive Rs. 1,000/- and a Certificate of Appreciation.
- The Articles of the Top Three candidates will be published on our official website.
- The Top Three participants will be given a two-minute opportunity to present their papers in the Memorial Lecture
- Active Participants who attend the Memorial Lecture on December 12th, 2021 at 16:15 Hrs. will be awarded a Certificate of Participation.
- Word Limit: 1600-1800 words (excluding footnotes and abstract).
- No Co-authorship is allowed.
- Multiple entries for the same authors are not allowed.
- Individual Attachments: Name; contact details; current academic status (if applicable);
- Year, University/College, etc. undertaking to guarantee originality.
- Citation Style: 19th Bluebook edition.
- The Font shall be Times New Roman, the font size- 12 and the line spacing is 1.5.
All the interested participants should send their articles along with abstracts by 04th December, 2021 with the subject “Lawyers as Inventors”. Essays should be sent to our office via email at
Participants shall send their personal details/contact details. Any late submission will not be considered.
Results will be announced on 12th December, 2021 in the Memorial Lecture, the details of which will be uploaded later/soon.
For any further queries, please write to or you can contact at 9667661678.
The Registration to the Competition is free and open to all
Last Date of Submission: 04th December, 2021 by 23:45 hrs.
Memorial Lecture: 12th December, 2021 at 16:15 hrs.
Result Declaration: 12th December, 2021.