Center for Intellectual Property Rights (CIIPR) is organizing a Documentary Making Competition,

The competition aims to encourage creativity and innovation while raising awareness about intellectual property rights (IPR). As such, we invite enthusiasts to showcase their talent and passion for storytelling through the medium of documentary filmmaking.

Here are some key details about the competition:

  • No Registration Fee: Participation in the competition is completely free of charge.
  • Team Composition: Teams can consist of one to four members.
  • Video Duration: The duration of the documentary should be between 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Content Guidelines: We encourage participants to create documentaries that adhere to the principles of respect, integrity, and inclusivity. Therefore, submissions should not contain any explicit content or promote hate towards any community, race, religion etc.
  • Submission deadline: 21stApril 2024

Furthermore, to provide participants with some inspiration, we have identified some broad themes related to intellectual property rights that can be explored in the documentaries:

  • Historical Evolution of Intellectual Property
  • IPR in the Entertainment Industry
  • Future of Innovation
  • IPR and Artificial Intelligence
  • IPR and Fashion Industry
  • IPR and Creative Commons

Please note that the themes are illustrative in nature and the participants are free to choose any other topic which delves into the realm of IPR. The documentaries are to be submitted via the Google form attached herewith.

The most unique and interesting documentaries would be presented by the centre on 26th April 2024 along with excited prizes for the selected entries. Stay tuned!

In case of any queries, feel free to contact the undersigned:

Aashray Raina (70518 56500)

Sehar Gupta (70065 05694)

Yuvraj Mathur (77838 59760)

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