World Cyber Security Forum (WCSF) is an internationally renowned cyber consultancy and web community that aims in improving cyber security awareness and acts as a source of techno-legal information for professionals, students, and teenagers around the world. It offers a blend of original content from IT professionals, peer-to-peer advice from the largest community of IT leaders, and an extensive library of professional resources from leading IT industry vendors.
Research & writing are the integral part of a student’s life. Educational backdrop doesn’t matter much when it comes to cultivating these habits. These habits are necessary for longer success in any field. Encouraging yourself to write is not just good in terms of enhancing your skill; researching makes one very aware & confident about the global changes & news. That’s why the World Cyber Security Forum has brought this competition to ignite the young talent in terms of research & writing. The topics of the competition are divided into three themes i.e. Data Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights & Cyber Security respectively.
- The competition is only open for Undergraduate Students irrespective of any educational background. (2021 pass outs are not eligible).
- The students are required to upload their college Ids/Enrolment numbers or anything that depicts that they are students of that specific institution.
- No participant is eligible to submit multiple blogs.
The participant can take any one topic of his/her choice. Please read further for guidelines.
- Online Targeted Ads: A comparative legal analysis of developed nations.
- Pharmaceutical Patenting in India-problem of public access to health.
- Potential Risks with Automotive Hacking: An Analysis.
- Word limit will be 750-800 words (inclusive endnotes)
- The first page shall only contain the name of the topic & the writer’s name.
- The blog shall be the original work of the author.
- Co-authorship is not permissible.
- Please follow the Bluebook Ed. 20th for citation.
- Plagiarism report should be less than 5% of the whole blog.
- The font shall be Times in Roman (Size 12 for body, Size 14 for Headings & Size 10 for footnotes.) Justify your text (Ctrl+J). Don’t use bold for headings.
- Use bullets only for pointers and small bullets for sub pointers. Avoid using “Numeric” bullets.
- No page borders should be there.
- The Page Layout should be Portrait and the margins should be 2.54 cm (All sides: Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
- The alignment shall be 1.5 for the body but 1.0 for footnotes.
- For writing case names, use bold & italic font. Eg: Shreya Singhal vs. UOI and also mention the complete citation in endnotes.
- Participants are free to use infographics, charts, diagrams, copyright free images to make their blog interactive & entice.
- Adherence to the above mentioned submission guidelines are mandatory.
- No prior registration required.
- Please rename your file properly. (Topic name_Your name) (Eg: Access to justice_Allen Sharon)
- Please submit the blog using the following link: https://forms.gle/376RpUUZHc6H676B6
- No submission will be entertained through any other medium except mentioned in pointer 2.
- The last date to submit is February 20, 2022 (11.59 PM, IST)
- Results will be announced on the World Cyber Security Forum’s LinkedIn /Facebook & Instagram page on February 27, 2022.
- The competition is absolutely free of cost.
- There will be winners & runner ups from all the three themes.
- Prizes for Winners (3): Internship Opportunity + Merit Certificate + One on one mock interview practice session + One free CV Review + One free Career Guidance session + Free entry in one paid workshop* + 1 year free access to student membership + Blog publication on official website of WCSF+ Promotion of winners on Social media platforms of WCSF. (via posters with images)
- Prizes for 1st Runner-ups (3): Merit Certificate + 50% off on any paid workshop* + One free CV Review + 6 months student membership of WCSF + Mentioning names on social media of WCSF.
- Prizes for 2nd Runner-ups (3): Merit Certificate + 30% off on any paid workshop* + on the official website of WCSF + Mentioning names on social media of WCSF.
- Prize for Participants: Participation certificate to all the participants along with a 10% discount coupon for any one upcoming workshop or training will be provided.
*(T&C applied)
Mail: info@worldcybersecurities.com