About Alpha AI
Alpha AI is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research and Consulting company that aims to introduce AI through strategy and consultation using state-of-the-art tools & techniques, facilitating predictive and statistical analytics, and personalization in Healthcare, Energy, Travel, Space Technology & Legal industries.
Primarily a research and development foundation, Alpha AI is focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) research at its core as well as through strategy and consultation solving key problems by opening the identified cul-de-sacs in the aforementioned industries. The LawTech project, LawDiktat is focussed at designing an AI-based search engine for the legal industry, further extending it towards an AI oriented personal assistant to micro-macro manage the cases.
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The deadline to apply is September 30, 2021.
Students pursuing a law degree, an engineering degree, or a master’s degree (English)
Application Procedure:
Email your resume to akash.alphaai@gmail.com along with a proper cover letter and subject line.
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