Greetings from Nirma University Law Journal!
Call for the papers_ Nirma University Law Journal(NULJ) December 2023 Issue. Nirma University Law Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed law journal published Bi-Annually under circulation since 2011. Its ISSN number is 2249-1430. It is published under the guidance and contribution of the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, Associate/Faculty Editorial Board, and Reviewers consisting of legal luminaries and experts from legal, Social Sciences, and multidisciplinary research fields.NULJ through its quality publications has secured over the years a place in premier platforms of journal indexing i.e. HeinOnline, Manupatra, SCC online, and the Indian citation index. NULJ publication gets uploaded on its own website as an open-access source along with details about the Editorial Board and publication guidelines for the reference of revered authors.


The Nirma University Law Journal call for papers for the December 2023 Issue is  a thematic issue dedicated to the theme: Changing Contours of Global Governance


  • Humanitarian prospects and Global Governance
  • Global Governance and Global Justice in the era of Artificial Intelligence
  • Role of Non-State actor and Global Governance
  • Challenges related to Climate Change and Global Governance
  • Global Governance and Status, Identity, and Recognition
  • Global Governance, Freedom of Speech and Expression
  • Challenges of Inclusive Development and Global Governance
  • Global Governance and state’s public policies and practices
  • Changing the paradigm of the Sovereign State
  • Global Governance and Corporate Governance

Submission is not restricted to the above sub-themes only. The submission will also be accepted, which can, directly and indirectly, reflect the central theme or sub-themes of the December 2023 Issue.


Submission of full paper with Abstract: 30th November 2023

Intimation of reviewed manuscripts selected for publication: 31st December 2023

Publication of Journal: 31st January 2024.


Registering with the Journal (login) through:

Submitting the Manuscripts

Step 1: You will provide preliminary information about your submission.

Step 2: A window will open, allowing you to upload your submission file.

Step 3: You will be asked to add more information about the submission, including the title of the submission (broken down into prefix, title, and subtitle, and the abstract.

Step 4: You will be asked to confirm whether you are happy with your submission.

Step 5: Your submission is now complete! The editor has been notified of your submission.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of about 250 words.

WORD LIMIT: For research papers, 4,000-6,000 words; for Policy briefs and Case studies/commentaries, 2,000-3,000 words; and for Book reviews, 800-1,000 words.

ELIGIBILITY: Entries from the student community, academia, researchers, and other professionals preferably studying Law and allied disciplines of Social Sciences and humanities who could link legal regimes in the contribution would be accepted.

CITATION STYLE: The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to. The main text should be in Times New Roman, size 12, with a 1.5 line spacing, and the footnotes in size 10, with a 1.0 line spacing. This shall be strict compliance for papers to be accepted for review.

The journal is guided by a well-defined ‘Ethical policy’ which gives no scope for plagiarised submission. Thus, authors are requested to strictly follow the plagiarism policy for academic submissions published by UGC.

Please visit our website for further details @

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For any further queries, kindly contact us on the following email ID only: or contact no.: 8141244391

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