IBR is a student-led initiative that intends to foster academic research and discussion in the fields of insolvency, bankruptcy, and company liquidation, amongst other areas. IBR aims to fill the dearth of neutral academic writing on the aforementioned subject area by publishing articles on its online blog and eventually increasing its ambit.
The general guidelines for submission are as follows:
1. The article should address relevant issues in areas of insolvency, bankruptcy, restructuring, liquidation, and similar laws. Submissions may be in the form of case comments, legislation review, policy suggestions, etc. Contemporary pieces focused on analysis are encouraged.
2. Submissions from academicians, students and lawyers will be accepted.
3. The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
4. Co-authorship is permitted up to 2 (two) authors and the word limit is 1000 to 1500 words.
5. The title of the article must be limited to 120 (one hundred twenty) characters.
6. The document containing the article must not contain any identifying features of the author(s) as we follow a double-blind review policy.
The formatting guidelines for submission are as follows:
1. All references must be appropriately hyperlinked within the text of the article itself. In case of non-availability of an online source, endnotes may be used for citations (excluded from word count). The format for citation must be Bluebook Format 20th edition.
2. All submitted articles must be typed in Font Times New Roman with Font Size 12, line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment.
Authors must also note the following:
1. The articles submitted for publication must be an original work of the author.
2. Cross-posting of an article initially published on the IBR Blog is permissible, subject to the condition that same should clearly acknowledge the fact that the material was “first published on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Restructured (ibrestructured.com)”.
3. We do not condone any form of plagiarism. Plagiarised pieces will be rejected.
4. Authors should be prepared to make suitable changes to their articles as required before publication.
Articles can be submitted here: https://www.
Looking forward to your submissions!
Please contact us at ibrestructured@gmail.com in case of queries.