Call for Papers – Legal Research & Analysis (LRA) Journal (Vol. 3, Issue 1)
About the Journal
Legal Research & Analysis (DOI Prefix: 10.69971; ISSN: 3007-6455 (Online), 3007-6447 (Print)) is a peer-reviewed, refereed journal that publishes research papers, review papers, case comments, and book reviews on a wide range of legal topics. The journal seeks scholarly contributions from various perspectives, including:
- Legal Philosophy
- Law & Economics
- Legal History
- Criminology
- Law & Literature
- Feminist Legal Analysis
Who Can Submit?
Academicians & Practitioners in the legal field.
Submissions should have law as a major component and can cover any legal topic of theoretical, interdisciplinary, or comparative significance.
Submission Guidelines
Categories Accepted:
- Research Papers
- Reviews
- Case Comments
- Book Reviews
Manuscript Structure:
- Title: Calibri Light Bold (16 pt), max. 20 words
- Author(s) Details: Name, affiliations, and corresponding author email
- Abstract: 200 words max. (Calibri Light, 11 pt)
- Keywords: 2 to 5 keywords (arranged alphabetically, separated by a semicolon)
- Introduction: Clearly define the issue and research objectives
- Methodology (Optional): For original research articles only
- Analysis & Discussion: Core section presenting research findings and insights
- Conclusion: Should address research objectives without repeating the abstract
- References: APA Style; use citation managers like EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero
Online Submission Process
Follow these five steps to submit your manuscript:
1. Start the Submission: Choose between Original Research Articles or Review Articles.
2. Upload the Manuscript: Select and upload the document.
3. Enter Metadata: Provide author details, title, abstract, and keywords.
4. Upload Supplementary Files: Include cover letter, proofread evidence, and signed copyright transfer agreement.
5. Confirm Submission: Final review before clicking Finish Submission.
Authors will receive an acknowledgment email and can track submission progress through the journal’s online portal.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025 (for Volume 3, Issue 1)
How to Submit?
📩 Submit via the link provided-