The Journal for Law Students and Researchers [JLSR] is an Online Journal with ISSN: 2582-306X which is quarterly, Peer Reviewed, and published online.
As a Marketing Member you are expected to take up the following responsibilities:
Promoting events organized by us.
Complete the tasks assignment by us (Marketing Related).
3 Months
A certificate of appreciation will be provided
Discounts in Online Courses
Free publication in a book with ISBN (Provided that you complete all the tasks assigned successfully)
So what are you waiting for?!!! Apply Now!!
Fill the form : https://docs.google.com/forms/
Do not apply in a hurry. If you are comfortable with marketing tasks then this is the suitable opportunity for you.
Do not apply if you cannot give time for the tasks.
Program includes purely marketing tasks.
Apply only if you have LinkedIn and Instagram.
If you are selected then our team member will get in touch with you within a week.
If you didnot get any response within a week after filling the form then presume that our slots are filled.