About the Organisation 

Adhyayan Foundation for Policy and Research

Adhyayan Foundation for Policy & Research (AFPR) is an independent nonprofit, research and, educational organization dedicated to producing quality research to help in the formulation, assessment, and, implementation of public policies. The organization aims at covering a wide range of issues that are of significance to this country from economy to administrative efficiency and from legal lacunae to international affairs. We strive towards bridging the gap in policymaking for the wholesome growth and development of our country. 

About the Project

Project Rajaswala 

“Project Rajaswala” is a drive to share knowledge and spread awareness about the issues surrounding menstruation. It seeks to reach out to various stakeholders via multiple platforms, while providing them with a forum to learn about menstrual hygiene and health and share their own experiences about menstrual taboos, choices, and practices and consequently uplift the disenfranchised women at the grassroots level.

About the Publication: 

Project Rajaswala aims at creating awareness related to menstruation by bringing in their flagship annual Journal which shall exclusively focus on ‘ Menstrual Health and Hygiene’, and shall be aimed at bringing to fore every relevant information and development surrounding ‘Menstruation’ from a national, grassroots as well as international standpoint by creating more discussions and deliberations around the topic. The Journal seeks to invite entries for the following head:

  • Short Article (1000–1500 words, excluding endnotes): Articles must comprehensively analyse the contemporary policy or legal issue that the author(s) seeks to highlight. Articles would include research articles and theoretical discussions on such theme of policy or law. It must either indicate the lacunae therein or, attempt to suggest possible changes, which can address the said lacunae or alternatively holistically cover the subject matter while offering a critical analysis of the chosen theme.


Students pursuing BA, preferably in 2nd or 3rd year of their course, law students pursuing either three-year LL. B, or the five-year integrated LL.B. program, as well as students pursuing their LL.M. or Ph.D. Research Scholars, Law Professionals, Academicians and Representatives of NGOs, are also eligible for contributions towards the magazine.

Submission Procedure and Guidelines

  • All original submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words, which should be included within the document of the manuscript itself.
  • Emails must be sent with the subject line <Rajaswala, Issue 1>, <Title of the Article>, 
  • All submissions must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx), with Times New Roman font (body: size 12, line spacing: 1.50; footnotes: size 10, line spacing: 1.00).
  • The Journal uses only endnotes (and not footnotes) as a method of citation. The endnotes must follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
  • The submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter with details regarding the name of the author(s), email address, contact number and name and address of the institution, academic qualifications/affiliations of the author(s), title of the manuscript.
  • The author(s) must provide a declaration of originality with regards to their submission in the body of the email.
  • The manuscript itself must not contain any information as to the name(s) of the author(s), the institution, address or any other information that may reveal or indicate their identity.
  • Co-authorship is permitted for up to 2 authors.
  • Submissions made should be on an exclusive basis i.e., the submission should be unpublished and should not be under any concurrent consideration.
  • All follow-up emails must be sent in the original thread of submission only.

All submissions must be made to rajaswala.afpr[at] before 23:59 hours, 28th February 2021.

Registration fees:

The registration fees to be eligible for contributing in the Journal is as follows:

Single author; Rs. 150

Double Author; Rs. 200

(The proceeds from the registration fees shall be used for raising 25000 sanitary kits to be distributed among disenfranchised women on The International Women’s Day on the outskirts of Amethi, UP. More information about the drive can be found> Rajaswala Project. Last date of receiving contributions shall be 23:59 hours, 29th February 2021.)

The donation details for transferring the registration fees is mentioned herein below:

and attach the donation receipt in this google form:


10 best entries shall be published in the form of a book (bearing ISBN) as part of an anthology by AFPR. After successfully clearing the editorial process, the author(s) shall be awarded a Certificate of Publication signed by a designated professional from the Advisory and Editorial Board of the organization. All the participating candidates shall be provided with a Certificate of Participation as an acknowledgment of the contribution made towards the noble cause.

The candidate will be also provided non-monetary perks based on the quality of publication and shall also be given free access to webinars, workshops and the opportunity to be in the content team of flagship journals of Adhyayan Foundation.

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