International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (IJALR) [ISSN: 2582-7340] is a quarterly, Peer-Reviewed, e-Journal. IJALR provides an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law.
We aim to upgrade the level of interaction and discourse about contemporary issues of Law. IJALR welcomes contributions from all legal branches as long as the work is original, unpublished, unplagiarized and in consonance with the submission guidelines.
International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (IJALR) [ISSN: 2582-7340] is a quarterly, Peer-Reviewed, e-Journal. IJALR provides an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law.
We aim to upgrade the level of interaction and discourse about contemporary issues of Law. IJALR welcomes contributions from all legal branches as long as the work is original, unpublished, unplagiarized and in consonance with the submission guidelines.
IJALR Blog will stand as a platform for hosting a large range of intellectual legal articles which might offer insights into the most recent legal developments within the social, economic and political domains of our country and of the globe at large.
Professional & students from different fields across India can submit their views on various issues related to political, social, economic and legal aspects.
Submission Guidelines
- IJALR Blog accepts original work of the author and are not published anywhere
- All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and Spacing 1.5.
- Word Limit for each submission is between 1000 to 1500 words.
- All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
- All selected entries will be published on ijalr.in
- Submissions which are of contemporary nature will be given preference.
- Co-authorship is allowed for a maximum of two authors.
- Authors must include their full name, institution/organization e-mail in form of short bio for further references.
How to submit?
Entries should be mailed to ijalr.blog@gmail.com with the subject “Submissions for Blog”.
Submission Deadline
There is no submission deadline. IJALR is currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis.
A certificate of publication will be given to author(s) & A certificate of appreciation will be given to authors who have a minimum of 3 entries published on ijalr.in.
Contact Details
For any queries, please feel free to contact at ijalr.editorial@gmail.com
Aarjav Jain (+91-9991140223)
For any queries, please feel free to contact at ijalr.editorial@gmail.com
Aarjav Jain (+91-9991140223)