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Call for Articles in the Book titled “India’s Constitutional Transformation in 21st Century”
Lex Assisto has decided to bring out some of the most efficient pieces of research work, analysis, write-ups on the theme of Constitution of India. In the past few years, our constitution has faced many ups and downs which also acts as an authoritative record in the constitutional history, followed by judicial developments for some of the most important, relevant and recent issues with reference to the Constitutional Structure of India.
“India’s Constitutional Transformation in 21st Century” is a Book To Be Published with ISBN Number.
Theme For The Book
Constitutional Law of India*
Some of the Sub-Themes are as follows:-
- Constitutionalism and Constitutional Morality
- B. R. Ambedkar’s Philosophy and It’s Future Vision
- Framing of Indian Constitution
- Right to Quality Education In Perspective of Fundamental Right to Free and Compulsory Education
- Access To Food & Malnutrition in India
- Transformative Constitutionalism and Role of Judiciary
- Constitutional Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in India
- Indian Constitution with reference to Sustainable Development Goals 2030
- Right To Equality vs. In Equal Social Standard of Life
- Directive Principles as an Agenda For Modern India
*Note: The said sub-themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to research and write on any topic related to the above-mentioned theme.
Submission Guidelines
- The Manuscript should be within the word limit of 1500 words.
- The article shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, 1.5 line spacing.
- The Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Size 10 single line spacing
- Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to 19th Bluebook Edition.
- Submission of the Cover Letter: A covering letter with the name of the author and full address with pin code, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit.
- Submission of the Abstract: Submission of abstract should not be more than 150 words. (The abstract will be a part of the Manuscript)
- Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. The manuscript should be only in Microsoft Word Format. The paper should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and other errors. If any plagiarism found, the article will be rejected.
- Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of Lex Assisto.
Where To Submit:
- Authors are requested to send their original, unpublished submissions in .doc/.docx format to publicationatlexassisto@gmail.com.
- The subject of the email shall be “Name of the Author + Title of the Manuscript“
- Kindly attach both the Cover Letter + Manuscript.
The format of the book is Print.
Contributors will be provided with-
- Hard Copy of the Book
- Certificate of Publication with ISBN Number
(To be sent through speed post)
- Publication Charges (To be paid after acceptance)
- Single Author: INR 1000/-
Last Date For Submission
All the articles should reach to the organizers before July 12th, 2020
Contact Details
Mr. Jyotirmoy Banerjee: + 91 6378258308, +91 8504951904
The Book Will Be Released In The First Week of August 2020