Antarnad 3.0: National Nukkad Natak, Open-Mic and Mono-Acting Competitions by VIPS-TC, Delhi [December 06] [Prizes upto Rs.20K]: Register by November 30
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Technical Campus is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), Delhi. The institute is committed to realise the words of Swami Vivekananda: “Man Making, Character Building and Nation Building”.
About VSLLS: Vivekananda School of Law and Legal Studies (VSLLS), under the umbrella of VIPS-TC, has taken progressive efforts to equip its law students to face the world by developing conceptual clarity and focusing on the creation of research aptitude and critical approaches.
About VLAC: To make our students conscious of their social responsibility along with developing their legal acumen, VIPS Legal Aid Clinic, was established in 2013. VIPS Legal Aid Clinic is the connect between the DSLSA and the people seeking justice.
About Mashaal: Mashaal is the Nukkad Natak group of VIPS and has been performing Nukkad Natak for over a decade with Delhi State Legal Services Authority. ‘Mashaal’ helps in creating legal awareness about various socio legal issues.
VIPS Legal Aid Clinic in coordination with Mashaal proudly announces ‘Antarnad 3.0’, the 3rd edition of the National Nukkad Natak Competition, National Open-Mic Competition and National Mono-Acting Competition, to be held on December 06, 2023 at the VIPS-TC campus.
The word “Antarnad” means the inner voice present within every individual. It is the intrinsic speech of an individual’s soul, the moral compass that differentiates rights from wrongs for that individual, the guiding light that illuminates one’s path in the journey of life.
Antarnad was chosen as the name for this event because through this event, we wish to highlight and bring forth the inner voices suppressed within every individual and give them a platform to let loose and express themselves through acting, more specifically, through Nukkad Natak.
Nukkad Natak is a form of street art play where actors perform in public with a live audience. Nukkad Natak is used as a medium to reach out to the general public and briefly shift their attention from the hustle and bustle of their daily life to the bigger vices plaguing the society.
Antarnad 3.0 will take place on 06th December 2023 at the VIPS-TC Campus. The competition has 3 segments; the National Nukkad Natak Competition, the National Open-Mic Competition and the National Mono-Acting Competition.
National Nukkad Natak Competition 2023
Theme: Unveiling Societal Shadows: Nukkad Natak on Contemporary Social Issues
- Only one team from an institution shall be allowed to participate in the competition.
- Each team shall comprise a maximum of 25 members. Under no circumstances the teams would be allowed to exceed the number of members.
- The teams are required to prepare an act of maximum 25 minutes on any the aforementioned themes.
- The team should ensure that their performance should be in Regional language with minimal use of English.
- The teams are required to register through the registration form attached with the brochure.
- Content should be an original piece of work. Plagiarized work is strictly prohibited; if found to be plagiarized the organizers and judges reserve the right to disqualify the team or deduct points.
- Props, background music, background lighting are allowed, but No pre-recorded voice or music is allowed.
- Only one member from each team needs to register with whom all communications will be made via mail.
- Maximum of 5 instruments are allowed per team.
- Any form of obscenity through actions, images or language may result in penalties ranging from point deduction to disqualification.
National Open-Mic Competition 2023
Theme: Open Theme
- Open Mic includes: Poetry, Stand-up and Storytelling
- All participants must register through the link provided for open mic. The preliminary round includes a screening process wherein the participants will be judged on the basis of the write-ups submitted by them on or before 30 November 7:00 pm.
- The content presented must be original. Plagiarism may lead to disqualification.
- Time limit for the performance is maximum 5 minutes. Extra time may lead to deduction of marks.
- Props or use of musical instruments/ pre-recorded music is permitted provided that participants need to make arrangements on their own and coordinate with the organizers prior to the event.
- An open theme will be followed for the competition.
- The performance should not include profane language.
- The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any participant if they do not respect the equipment (no mic drops or chair kicking, etc).
National Mono-Acting Competition 2023
Theme: Open Theme
- All participants must register through the link provided for open mic.
- The preliminary round includes a screening process wherein the participants will be judged on the basis of the write-ups submitted by them on or before 30 November 7:00 pm.
- The content presented must be original. Plagiarism may lead to disqualification.
- Time limit for the performance is maximum 5 minutes. Extra time may lead to deduction of marks.
- Props or use of musical instruments/ pre-recorded music is permitted provided that participants need to make arrangements on their own and coordinate with the organizers prior to the event.
- An open theme will be followed for the competition.
- The performance should not include profane language.
- The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any participant if they do not respect the equipment (no mic drops or chair kicking, etc).
Students from any recognized college in India
- Nukkad Natak Competition: Rs. 1000/-
- Open-Mic Competition: Rs. 200/-
- Mono-Acting Competition: Rs. 200/-
Early Bird Discount
- Open-Mic Competition: Rs. 150/-
- Mono-Acting Competition: Rs. 150/-
Early Bird Discount valid until 25th November, 2023
Prizes upto Rs.20,000
Early Bird-25th November 2023
Last Date to register-30th November 2023
Fill out the form for the particular competition you want to participate in.
The payment shall be through the event portal of VIPS-TC at
In the payment link, the following instructions shall be used-
- In ‘Batch’, type full name of your institute/university.
- In ‘Course Name’, type “VIPS ANTARNAD 2023”
- In ‘Activity’, type “Team Registration.”
The registered teams are required to attach the screenshot of the online transaction in the Google form itself. The fee, once paid, is non-refundable.
Note: The teams are required to send a soft copy of payment receipt and the registration form to
In case of queries, please contact:
Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Tushita Sharma: +91 9999376380
Ms. Pinky Singh: +91 9013730246
Student Coordinators:
Ms. Prachi Dhingra: +91 7838938067
Ms. Vishakha Vats: +91 9870550234
Email at:
The payment shall be through the event portal of VIPS-TC at
Link to flyer and brochure-