Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State  Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act,  (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The Act incorporated a University of Law of national stature in  Punjab, thereby fulfilling the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern  era of globalization and liberalization. The University has been ranked among the top 10 law  schools in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), by the Union  Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. 


The Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH) is an esteemed  research centre of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, which is dedicated to research in  the field of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It aims to ensure that future leaders and  opinion-makers understand the practical relevance of the subject of IHL, and have a thorough  knowledge of its basic principles. Whenever there are serious and large-scale violations of  IHL, it is important to find out exactly where the problem lies rather than rushing headlong  into changing the rules, especially as nowadays, this is an extremely arduous, costly and  unpredictable process. Therefore, the first and foremost function is to sensitize teachers,  researchers and students about the provisions of the IHL so that they may choose IHL as the  focus of their future research endeavours. It is known for its cutting-edge research in the field  of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law


The Centre for Advanced Studies in International Humanitarian Law is organizing a blog  writing competition for the students studying in various law schools all across the country.  The CASH blog writing competition welcomes blogs in the form of articles, short notes,  opinions and case commentaries dealing with legal issues related to International  Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law. 

The main purpose of organizing this competition is to provide students with a platform to  demonstrate their reading, thinking, and writing abilities in a cohesive and condensed manner. This competition will give young authors a platform to explore a wide range of  difficult and intriguing issues beyond the typical academic curriculum. The students are  required to examine and propose strategies for establishing new and improved humanitarian  practices all around the world. 


The competition has no thematic restraints, but the submission must conform to the issues  related to Humanitarian law and armed conflicts. Hence the submissions are expected on a  variety of topics relevant to, but not limited to: 

The Duty to Protect by Military Force: Developing Standards for Humanitarian  Intervention? 

Personnel Protection in Peace Operations: The Safety Convention’s Function in the  Context of General International Law 

Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict – The Role of Multilateral  Environmental Agreements 

An analysis of the effectiveness and legality of using biological weapons during  conflicts under international humanitarian law 

International Humanitarian Law: Terrorism and counter-terrorism 

Even wars have limits: The normative framework of IHL 

Interfaith coexistence: Together and Forever 

Sexual Violence: An inevitable aspect of armed conflict 

Humanitarian crises and rights of personals 


  • The deadline for submission of blogs is 15th August 2022. No entry after the deadline  shall be entertained. 
  • The subject and theme of the blog should deal with any contemporary topic related to  international humanitarian law. We expect the submissions to be of interpretive,  exploratory, and non-descriptive style. 
  • All submissions must be in Times New Roman, Font size 12, Spacing 1.5, Justified.  The word limit should range between 1000-1500 words. 
  • A maximum of two-level headings is allowed.  
  • References should be incorporated in the body of the article itself through hyperlinks.  No endnotes or footnotes shall be used. 
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 is permitted. 
  • We follow a strict no-plagiarism policy. Articles with more than 10 per cent  plagiarized content shall be summarily rejected. The author(s) bear sole responsibility  for the accuracy of facts, opinions, or views stated in the submitted Manuscript.  
  • The manuscripts must be submitted through the Google form: https://forms.gle/WuEeoBnqnJKeUVvC7. All entries should be submitted in .doc or  .docx format and the file must be titled “CASH- Blog submission”.  
  • Copyright of all published blog posts shall remain with the Centre. All Moral Rights  shall vest with the author(s).  
  • While submitting the blog, the author shall mention a declaration in the mail as  follows: “If selected for publication, the author gives the copyright of the work to the  Centre. The author also declares that this is the original and unpublished work of the  author(s)”. 

Please note that any submission not conforming to these guidelines may be rejected. In the  event that the blog submitted to CASH has been already submitted and rejected at any other  platform, the author must withdraw it. 


  • Winner of the blog writing competition: – Cash Prize of Rs. 1500. 
  • First Runners up: Cash Prize of Rs. 1000. 
  • Second Runners up: Cash Prize of Rs.500  
  • Top 5 entries will be considered for publication on the website of the centre + One month internship opportunity with the research team of the Centre for Advanced  Studies in International Humanitarian Law. 
  • Certificate of merit to all the participants.


In case of any queries, you can write a mail to cash@rgnul.ac.in with the subject “Query for  blog” or contact: 

  • Mr. Aviral Mishra (Student Convenor, CASH) at + 91-7985026059.
  • Ms. Sanskriti Dixit at +91-942466249 

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