ALSA is an international consortium of around 14,000 law students and alumni located in 16 countries all over the Asian region. ALSA India’s main goal is to develop the skills and talents of the Indian legal wizards to help them in various aspects of their professional career for which ALSA India gives a platform to the young wizards of the legal fraternity to share their beautiful and creative legal thoughts and thereby allowing them to broadcast their ability and skill in legal/ constitutional drafting.
The Constitutional Amendment Drafting Competition is a one of its kind Event to enhance the practical thinking capacity of the participants. We at ALSA, wish to expand your horizons and take you to the application-based arena rather than merely a theoretically based setup. Thus, the Competition is based on a very practical scenario. Our sole aim through this Competition is to enhance your argumentative capacity, logic, impart profound legal knowledge along with developing new insights to self interpretation.
Assume to be a member of Parliament for a day with veto power or making any one constitutional amendment to Articles 16 or 21 of the Indian Constitution. This amendment may include any kind of addition/ alteration/ omission. In the mentioned scenario, what would be the amendment that you shall come up with and why?
The oral pleading rounds shall be conducted based on the drafts (including the arguments as to why the given articles should be amended). Rounds to be conducted via the ZOOM platform.
In the oral rounds only the “TOP 10 TEAMS” will be given the chance to present in front of the judges.
Why do you think this article should be amended? On what basis the amendments shall be made (to prove with your mentioned points)?
Why article 16 or 21 has a wide scope and why do you think that your amendment, will make some change in society or help the people of India in any way.
We however wish to put to your notice that you shall insert ONLY ONE Amendment to ONLY ONE Article of the Constitution.
The entries shall be judged by the Panel of Judges on the following Marking Criteria.
Utility for the Society 40 Marks
New Ideas 30 Marks
Strength of the Argument 30 Marks
Total Marks 100 Marks
NOTE: We expect you to be to the point and choose your words wisely enough so that only relevant content reaches us. Your Submission would be summarily rejected if any plagiarism is found or if it does not strictly abide by word limit.
- Each Participating Team must submit ONE draft.
- If a participant/team wishes to submit any annexures to support his/her arguments contained in the Draft (for instance Reports, Commentaries, News Clippings, Pictures, etc.) a compendium of all the relevant annexures must be prepared and should be sent along with the memorial.
- All drafts must be sent to the email address: vpacademicsalsaindia07@gmail.com by THIS DATE midnight with the Subject of the email as “Amendment Draft, Team Code.”
- Any submission made after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation and will result in the cancellation of candidature as well as forfeiture of the registration fee.
- Any submission with any name reference of the participant will be disqualified
- Substantial Plagiarism shall amount to disqualification; therefore, the participants must not submit plagiarized content. In case the draft of two or more participants/teams is found “substantially similar” to each other, both the participants/ teams shall be disqualified.
- All the drafts must be submitted in both Microsoft Word Document format (.doc/.docx) and PDF Format (.pdf) [i.e., each participant is required to send 2 files One in MS Word format and one in PDF format].
- The body of the submissions must be in the font “Times New Roman” with font size 12, with line spacing of 1.5 and justified. (The Font size for the Headings can be formatted as per the choice of the participants)
- The Footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing, justified. Authorities shall be cited as per the 20th edition of the Bluebook.
The Competition shall be open for the students currently pursuing their bachelor’s degree in law ie 3-Year LLB course or 5-Year LL.B. course from any recognized university/school in India.
Team Composition
The participants can participate in a team of 2 or individually.
Word Limit
Minimum 1000 words
Maximum 3000 words
- The participating teams can register themselves by filling this Registration Form.
- The participation fee for the team of 2 people is Rs. 1000/- and for the individual, it is Rs. 500/-.
- The participants must pay the registration fee in the manner hereinafter provided.
- The payment screenshot must be attached to the registration
- After the successful registration, each participant shall be allotted a unique team code for further references.
- Last date of registration 31st July 2021.
- Participation certificate to all the participants. (Certificate will be provided only if there is a Submission of the Draft).
- Prize worth 5000/- and Certificate of EXCELLENCE shall be given to the TOP 3 participants.
- Certificate for BEST DRAFTING shall be provided to the participant with the maximum score in drafting.
- TOP 3 winners shall be provided with Online Internships and other opportunities
After successful filling of the registration form, payment of Rs 1000/- (for the team of 2) & Rs. 500/- (if individual) as registration fee must be made to “ALSA INDIA TREASURY UPI NUMBER” with any UPI App (Paytm/ Google pay etc.)
Bank Account-PAYTM Payments Bank
Account Number- 917979001462
UPI Id: 7979001462@paytm