1st Blog Writing Competition, 2025 by Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad


Spicy IP & CIPRA Blog Writing Competition 2025


  • Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad (SLSH): A premier law school under Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, committed to imparting quality legal education. SLSH focuses on research, skill development, and a strong student-teacher interaction environment.
  • Spicy IP: A leading platform for Intellectual Property (IP) law, founded by Prof. Shamnad Basheer, focusing on legal analysis related to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and policy issues.
  • Centre for Intellectual Property Research and Advocacy (CIPRA): Established at SLSH, CIPRA focuses on developing research and advocacy skills in IP law and hosts events such as IP Unveil and IP Conclave.

About the Blog Writing Competition

This Blog Writing Competition is being held in collaboration with Spicy IP to encourage law students to explore and critically analyze IP law through the lens of literary aspects, such as journalism, literature, and creative content. Participants will be tasked with addressing various contemporary issues in Intellectual Property (IP) while connecting them with literary themes.

Themes and Sub-themes

Participants can choose to explore any of the following sub-themes:

-Balancing the interests of creators and the public in determining the extent of Copyright protection.
-The intersection of journalistic privilege and copyright law.
-The role of IP law in combating the spread of misinformation and disinformation.
-The challenges of protecting literary works in the digital age.
-Analysing the complexities of licensing deals for film and television adaptations.
-Analysing the impact of Indian copyright law on fair use in academic and critical writing.
-Examining the legality of meme usage by Indian news platforms under copyright law.
-Assessing how Indian copyright law influences creativity in regional literary works.
-Striking a balance between access to knowledge and copyright in India’s education sector.
-Protecting India’s folklore and oral traditions through copyright and IP law.
-Evaluating the doctrine of fair use for Indian social media platforms in light of global cases.
-Exploring the intersection of defamation and copyright in Indian social media journalism.
-Addressing IP challenges in cross-platform collaborations between creators.
-Investigating the balance between press freedom and copyright for Indian journalists.
-Analysing copyright challenges faced by Indian live streamers on platforms like YouTube and Twitch.
-Bridging the gap between creators and enforcement in Indian copyright governance.


  • Open to 3-year/5-year law students, LLM students, and research scholars from any recognized law school across India.

Submission Guidelines

  • Word Limit: 1000-1500 words (exclusive of endnotes).
  • Endnotes: Maximum of 250 words.
  • Co-authorship: Maximum of 2 authors.
  • Format:
    • Font: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Text Alignment: Justified
    • References: In-text hyperlinks for online sources; offline sources follow the 21st edition of Bluebook.
    • File Format: Submit in .doc or .docx format.
    • File Name: Title of the blog (e.g., “AI and Authorship: Redefining Copyright in the Digital Era”).
  • Anonymity: No personal identifiers should appear in the manuscript.
  • Originality: Must be original, unpublished work.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 19th February 2025, 11:59 PM IST

Results Declaration: To be announced soon after submission deadline.


First Prize: ₹10,000 INR
Second Prize: ₹5,000 INR

E-Certificates will be provided to all participants.

How to Submit?

  1. Submit via the Google Form provided- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmXHJaz-LISjL34X6TVJlusJAP2321OenXtsTp7B6RQpOJ3w/viewform
  2. Upload the manuscript in .doc or .docx format.
  3. Ensure the file name follows the specified format.

Contact Information

For any queries, please reach out to cipra@slsh.edu.in.

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