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“The pace of change is accelerating at warp speed, buoyed by technological advances, communications, scientific achievements, globalism, and innovation…. the ability to obtain knowledge will be more indispensable than knowledge itself.”

– Ferris Bueller

Demystifying the extract and construing the postulation with intellectual mastery is prudently an excellent hallmark in assimilating the holistic necessity of legal discourse. The integral outlook to encapsulate law and academia is a visible drift from lawyer centrist, provincial, labor-intensive guild to a customer-focused, global, digitized industry, and the transition indicates mustering ideological standpoints with reflective predictions. To connote these figurative matrices on a scholastic count, Our AGISS Research Institute is organizing an International Conference on “Human Rights and Constitution Law” in the month of January 2024, with a principal objective to perceive the fundamental proportion of the Indian Constitution and Law of Human Rights. The Conference assimilates to establish an advanced legal forum of professional erudition of international stance where the pursuit for the acquisition of knowledge and critical understandings of legality, shall reign supreme character with global participation, wherein Academicians, Legal Professionals, Research Scholars, Legal Draftsmen, Law Professors or Experts will scholarly collaborate for deliberations and interventions pertaining to the historical evolution of constitution or constitutional doctrines, to examine methods of construing the meaning of constitutional provisions, and to articulate a coherent set of opinions and prospects on significant, vital, controversial and current constitutional issues or dimensions, and also for expounding the regime, genesis and metamorphosis of Human Rights with a crucial approach to evolve interconnections with the global and regional mechanisms for the protection of Human Rights. The Objective of the Conference is to substantially captivate the audience and participants, to engineer a holistic background to broadly inculcate inter-disciplinary leanings and applications of law in social-economic-political-ecological perspectives and to foster research temperament in legal pursuits, specifically with respect to Constitution and Human Rights.


GISS Research Institute is an Independent, Non Partisan, Non-profit public policy organization. Our aim is to conduct High Quality research so that governing bodies can make better decisions. We believe in strengthening Democracy, Foster Economic and Social Welfare, Security and Opportunity for all so that we make the world a better place for all of us and the generations to come. AGISS as a trust under the Indian Trust Act, 1882. This project of setting think tank was undertaken so as to fill the vacuum that has arisen in the field of law due to limited research by several organizations and with the guidance of several Retired Justices of Honorable Supreme Court of India and High Court of various states and RETD. Members of Tribunals also expressed several similar thoughts with regard to the need of good research in several areas pertaining to legal field.




Ø  Human rights and constitutional protection.

Ø  Constitutional guarantees of human rights.

Ø  International human rights law.

Ø  National human rights Institutions.

Ø  Equality and non-discrimination.

Ø  Freedom of expression and assembly.

Ø  Role of constitutional courts in protecting human rights.

Ø  Judicial review of legislation.

Ø  Constitutional remedies for human rights violations.

Ø  Reparations for victims.

Ø  Human rights and democratic governance.

Ø  The relationship between human rights and the rule of law.

Ø  Promoting human rights in democratic processes.

Ø  Public participation and human rights.

Ø  Human rights and constitutional challenges.

Ø  Balancing human rights with national security.

Ø  The intersection of human rights and technology.

Ø  Addressing new and emerging human rights issues.

Ø  Confronting discrimination and inequality.

Ø  Human rights and constitutional reform.

Ø  Focusing on the importance of human rights education, capacity-building, and community engagement in promoting a culture of human rights.

Ø  Constitutional reform processes for enhancing human rights.

Ø  Constitutional amendments to strengthen human rights protection.

Ø  Public engagement in constitution reforms.

Ø  Human rights and constitutional education.

Ø  Incorporating human rights education in school curricula.

Ø  Promoting constitutional literacy.

Ø  Capacity-building for human rights defenders.

Ø  Human rights training for judicial officers.

Ø  Human rights and constitutional development

Ø  Human rights and sustainable development goals,

Ø  The role of constitutional law in advancing economic, social, and cultural rights through constitutional frameworks.

Ø  Constitutional guarantees of civil rights and liberties.

Ø  Protection of minority rights.

Ø  Constitutional protections for vulnerable groups.

Ø  Constitutional responses to national emergencies.

Ø  Constitutional challenges in the digital age.

Ø  Constitutional implications of globalization, migration, and citizenship.

Ø  Constitutional protection of the environment.

Ø  Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice

Ø  Constitutional guarantees of transitional justice

Ø  Truth commissions

Ø  Accountability for human rights violations

Ø  Reconciliation processes

Ø  Dealing with the legacy of authoritarian regimes.

Ø  Equality and Non-Discrimination.

Ø  Exploring issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, and other forms of discrimination.

Ø  Discussing strategies for achieving equality and combating discrimination.

Ø  Freedom of Expression and Access to Information.

Ø  Examining the importance of freedom of speech, press freedom, and the right to information in upholding human rights and democratic societies.

Ø  Human Rights and Technology.

Ø  Analyzing the impact of technology on human rights, including issues such as online privacy, surveillance, artificial intelligence, and the right to digital access.

Ø  Social and Economic Rights

Ø  Addressing issues related to poverty, socio-economic inequality, access to education, healthcare, and social protection, and discussing strategies for enhancing social and economic rights.

Ø  Human Rights and the Environment.

Ø  Exploring the intersection between human rights and environmental protection, including topics such as the right to a clean and healthy environment, climate justice, and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Ø  Human Rights in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations.

Ø  Examining human rights violations in conflict zones.

Ø  The role of transitional justice.

Ø  The protection of vulnerable groups during and after armed conflicts.

Ø  Human Rights and Migration.

Ø  Discussing the rights of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs), exploring the challenges they face.

Ø  Highlighting the importance of protection and comprehensive migration policies.

Ø  Ensuring Accountability and Access to Justice.

Ø  Analyzing mechanisms for holding states and non-state actors

Ø  accountable for human rights violations.

Ø  Discussing the role of international and domestic courts, and addressing the challenges in ensuring access to justice for victims.

Ø  Human Rights Education and Advocacy.

Ø  Including the role of civil society organizations and grassroots activism.


Ø  Name of the Author(s)

Ø  Qualification

Ø  Name of the Institution/Organization

Ø  Email ID & Phone Number

Ø  Abstract (without the author’s details).

Ø  Cover Letter [with the name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s)]

NOTE : You may present your ppt with the rough draft of your paper.





Ø  Single Author: Rs. 1,000/- INR

Ø  Co-Author (2 or more): Rs. 1200/- INR

Ø  Single Author: Rs. 1,200/- INR

Ø  Co-Author (2 or more): Rs. 2,000/- INR

Ø  Single Author: $ 30/- (30 US Dollars)

Ø  Co-Author (2 or more): $ 50/- (50 US Dollars)

Please Note that in case the co-authorship is a combination of a national student/professional and a foreign student/professional, then the registration fees to be paid will be the Co-authorship of professionals.


A/C Holder: AGISS Research Institute

A/C No. Current A/C No. 326621010000045

Bank Name: Union Bank of India

Branch Name: Faridabad, Green field Branch

IFSC: UBIN0932663


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