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Call for Paper: LASDES E-Journal [Volume 1, ISSUE 1]: Submit by November 15 2020


About LASD Educational Society


Call for Papers



Word Limit

  1. Articles: 2000 – 5000 words
  2. Case Analysis/Commentaries: 800 – 2000 words
  3. Research Papers: 4000 – 7000 words
  4. Book Review: 1000-3000 words

Submission Guidelines

  1. a)Heading: Times New Roman (Full Caps-Lock), 16-point font and in Bold (space after a paragraph, followed by author(s) name).
  2. b)Sub-Headings: Times New Roman, 12-point font and in Bold.
  3. c)Body: Times New Roman, 12-point font and 1.5 – spaced.
  4. d)Abstract: Times New Roman, 12-point font, in Italics and 1.5 – spaced.
  5. e)Footnotes: Times New Roman, 9-point font.


Submission Details

Important Dates

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