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About the Blog
ECI is a global and dynamic forum. ECI ignites the exchange of ideas and practices in International Dispute Resolution, worldwide. ECI primarily uses the means of a blog, journal and podcast to further the same. Ex Curia International is a community of international students and professionals, working together towards the fulfillment of a single goal of promoting and exploring ADR practices from all across the world. India, Greece, Canada, Singapore, France, England, America, Africa and more; the presence of ECI is felt across borders. ECI initiates with a solid base in 5 continents, 40+ countries, and numerous ADR communities.
Call for Blogs
Ex Curia International’s Blog Team invites original contributions from students, researchers, academicians, legal practitioners and those who are passionate about ADR, with the objective of facilitating a dynamic academic discourse and widening the scope for creative research works in the field of ADR. We highly encourage the authors to take a multidisciplinary approach when addressing pertinent research areas in the field of ADR.
Board of Advisors
ECI’s Board of Advisors comprises the following distinguished personalities who bring to the table a diverse set of experiences from the field of ADR practice:
*Adjunct Advisors
We are also proud to have the following Adjunct Advisors as a part of our ECI family: Dmitry Davydenko, Sharwari Pandit, Ritvik M. Kulkarni, Nisshant Laroia, Yamini Kumar, Chaweewan Mekarporn, and Saasha Malpani.
Submission Guidelines
The following below-mentioned guidelines need to be followed while submission of blog pieces:-
1) Basic Rules and Guidelines
Owing to the nature of the journal, we shall only accept entries which are related to AlternativeDispute Resolution (‘ADR’). The entries must showcase a predominant link to ADR. All theauthors are requested to send only Original Content. All the submission shall go through amandatory process of plagiarism check.
[B]Covering Letter:
Submissions must be sent to All submissions must beaccompanied with a covering letter, containing the name of the author/s,institutional/organisation affiliation, title and category of the submission and a contact address of the author, including the e-mail address and phone number. Submissions should be sent as MS word (.doc format) attachments with the title of the article as the file name. The author is also requested to attach an image to accompany the piece. However, this does not form a mandatory requirement. The Image should be representative of the submission’s topic, area or argument. It should be of high quality (upwards of 1000p) and aspect ratio of 1:1 (Square).
[C]Identification Details:
The body of the submission must contain no identification of any kind, including the name and institutional affiliation of the author, which must be provided in the cover letter and email body. However, if the author wishes to send an image representative of the submissions’ topic or area, they can send a high-quality image with an aspect ratio of 1:1(Square).
[D]Decision on Publication:
The Blog Division of Ex Curia International promptly acknowledges the receipt of submissions and a decision on the publishing ability of the blog shall be communicated within due time. All submissions made to Ex Curia International are double-blind refereed. Requests for expedited reviews can be made when the submission is being considered for publication by other blogs. In such cases, please mention a date by which you expect our response. Submissions may be accepted/rejected based solely on the discretion of the Board of Editors. Relaxation of any rules regarding submissions is subject to the discretion of the Board of Editors.
2) Style Guidelines
[A]Form of Submission: Submissions must be in electronic form. All submissions must be word-processed, single-spaced in Garamond, font size 12 and justified. The sub-headings should be uniformly numbered in roman numerals. The prescribed word limit is not inclusive of footnotes. However, we do not emphasize on strict compliance with the word count.
[B]Word Limit: All blog submissions should not ideally exceed the word limit of 1500 words.
[C]Citations: Only footnotes may be used as the form of citations. End notes shall not be accepted. All footnotes must be in Garamond, size 10, single-spacing and justified. The citations are derived from The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation.
Submission Procedure
All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc/.docx) and shall be sent to
Clarifications, if any, may be sought from the ECI Blog team by writing an email to
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