Centre for Constitutional Law & Governance, RGNUL in collaboration with Think India is organising a session by Shri Namit Saxena (Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India).
About the Speaker:- Namit Saxena is an Advocate on Record at the Supreme Court of India who secured 2nd Rank in the AoR Exam; An RMLNLU law graduate, Namit practices in New Delhi and is the revising author of major legal classics including Ratanlal and Dhirajlal CrPC and Mulla CPC
Theme: Contempt of Court in India
Date: 6th March, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 4:00 PM
Platform: WebEx
Registration: All the participants are required to register themselves on the URL: https://bit.ly/CCLG1
For Queries, feel free to contact us at web.thinkindia@gmail.com