The youth of the country should indulge more and more in the policymaking, debate and discussion with a vision to make the country progress.
We would like to invite all the emerging leaders from schools, junior colleges, undergraduate and post-graduate colleges across India to register for the same.
Keeping in mind the current pandemic situation, the RCP NYP 2021 will be held online.
Registration Fees: ₹ 300
Conference Dates: 1st and 2nd May, 2021
Platform: Zoom
Committees & Agendas:
1. Lok Sabha : The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2020.
2. Rajya Sabha : The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
The cash prizes for winners I’m each committee are as follows:
1. Best Parliamentarian : ₹ 3,000
2. High Commendation : ₹ 1,500
• Register through the link below:
Register now to be a part of one of the finest Youth Parliaments in India!
For any further details, please write to us at
For further queries, please contact:
Sorubasona Harikrishnan
(Delegate Affairs Head)
+91-73505 85660
Ayush Kumar Tiwari
Mohammad Shayan Usmani