Greetings From Legal Aid Clinic, School of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya,Bihar !!
We are highly elated to announce the 1st CUSB National Online Conference 2021 which is to be held on 7th and 8th March 2021. This event is set to invite some of the renowned legal luminaries who will be tutoring the participants about “Women Empowerment and Role of Legal Services Authority”.
The event is also set to invite papers from Professionals, Legal Scholars and Students who shall shed light on the dark and harsh realities faced by women every single day. The selected papers can be published in leading publication houses under the banner of Legal Aid.
Kindly ensure to get registered on or before the due date 05/03/2021.
For Registration Click Here:
Registration Fees-
Professionals – 200/-
Research Scholars: INR 100/-
Students: NIL
Thus, we take this golden opportunity to invite all of you to participate and make this event a grand success. It would be our privilege to be your host.
Brochure: Click Here