About NLR:-
It’s often heard that “Law needs change” but what change should be there which fulfills the peoples expectation and remains within the legal framework of the Country ?
A common man may not understand the legal complexities but a Lawyer and Law Student can and these two can better point out the deficiencies in law, overlapping of legal provision in different Acts and advice the change accordingly for betterment of legal system in the Country.
Whole system revolves around the law and we believe that Legal reform can be the driver for reform of Economy, Society, Environment, Politics, etc. and it should be an integral part of any on-going reform process to maintain the balance between the acts of Executive, Legislative, Parliamentary and Democratic branches of the Country.
Constitution of India provides everyone an empirical way to exercise one’s Constitutional Privilege for Freedom of Speech and Expression and that can be applied for legal reform too as legal process needs legal research spanning through situation, cases, legal principles, precedents etc from time to time.
Notion for Legal Reform (NLR) is a platform primed by OOCC Pvt Ltd in association with its companion NGO “Swasth Bharat-Samvaidhanik Bharat” to invite your thoughts for Legal Reform as we believe that we must come forward for redresses rather making complains only.
What’s Your ?
Cash reward Rs. 1000/-
Certificate of Appreciation
Publication of write-up on website and social platform
Recommendation to Government for such reform on the basis of your write up.
How to Participate:
1) All members of Legal Fraternity, be a Law Students, Law graduates in employment, Academicians or Practicing Professionals are eligible to participate.
2) Get yourself registered through google Form link https://forms.gle/sT24VbcXqctcZnYJ9 with all details in registration form and prescribed fee.
3) Registration number shall be allotted by OOCC
4) Submit the Abstract of Article on or before last date.
5) Selected Author shall be informed to submit its full Article within time allotted.
6) Submit your Complete Article on or before last date.
7) Get rewarded, if selected.
8) Read Terms and Conditions carefully
Terms and Conditions:
FOR Abstract Submission : –
1. Can be participated singly or jointly with one Co-Author.
2. Abstract of the Article must not exceed 700 words.
3. Language used must be English or Hindi only
4. No Footnotes/Endnotes are required in the abstract.
5. Submissions shall be made in any Non-Editable format.
6. The plagiarism level must not exceed 10% for the abstract and the research paper.
7. Abstract must contain the Name and Registration Number of the Participant
8. All the submissions shall be made to ooccpltd@gmail.com.
9. Only 5 Selected candidates shall be informed to submit their Full article
10. Neither reason for rejection of abstract shall be disclosed to candidates nor are candidates empowered to ask for it.
11. Your application shall be deemed your confirmation to abide by all terms and conditions.
12. Submitted Material shall be the property of OOCC.
13. All Rights are reserved with OOCCPL.
FOR Final Article Submission : –
1) Must not exceed 2000 words including 700 words of abstract.
2) Must contain Footnote/Endnotes and Universal Citations.
3) All general conditions for abstract submission shall be applicable here Mutatis Mutandis.
Last Dates
1) Registration: 18th July 2020
2) Abstract Submissions: 31st July 2020
3) Confirmation of Selected Candidates:- 10th August 2020
4) Article Submission:- 20th August 2020
5) Final Result:- 31th August 2020
Registration Fee & Mode of Payment
- For Single Author:- Rs. 100/- (Rs One Hundred Only).
- For Co-Author Rs. 120 (Rs. One Hundred Twenty Only) i.e Rs. 60/- for Author & Rs. 60 for CoAuthor
- Registration Fee shall be paid with UPI Code oocc@icici or QR code through any online payment app or Paytm at 9415152018.
Contact Info
+91 6393 001 453