National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi (NUSRL) was established by Act No. 4 of Jharkhand State Assembly in 2010. The University has subsequently been recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) in September 2011 u/s 22, u/s 12B in the year 2018 of the UGC Act of 1956 and Bar Council of India (BCI).
The University started functioning in September 2010. At present, the University has more than 600 students on rolls in the undergraduate course.
Center for Study and Research in Intellectual Property Rights (CSRIPR), at National University for study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand is founded in response to an escalating need felt by scientists, lawyers, technologists, and companies. The object was and still is, to gain thoughtful knowledge in patent, trademarks, design, and copyright law.
About World IP Day
Every April 26, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity. Every business starts with an idea. Each of the millions of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that operate across the globe every day started with an idea that took shape in someone’s mind and made its way to market. At a time when the imperative of economic recovery is high, World Intellectual Property Day 2021 shines a light on the critical role of SMEs in the economy and how they can use IP rights to build stronger, more competitive and resilient businesses.
About the CSRIPR FEST ’21
The CSRIPR Fest ’21 will be held over a Three-day period from 23rd to 26th of April 2021 by the CSRIPR, NUSRL Ranchi through online platforms like ZOOM and GOOGLE MEET. The fest is being conducted with the dual purpose of providing students a platform to showcase their talents and also to help improve their knowledge. Participants will be given the chance to win cash awards in various events organized under the umbrella of the Fest and also will be given an opportunity to work with the leading firm in the field of IPR. The fest shall comprise a series of competitions/events. All of these events will be conducted through an online medium.
Events on World IP Day
Event 1: Moot Proposition Drafting Competition
Event 2: IPR Essay Writing Competition
Event 3: IPR E-Quiz Competition
General Rules
1. Eligibility
The participant must either be a bonafide student pursuing a Three Year/Five Year LL.B. Degree Programme from a Law College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India or a student pursuing a course of study from any College/University recognized by the Government of India.
For more details kindly refer to the brochure.
2. Registration
An individual who wishes to participate in the CSRIPR Fest ’21 shall make the required payment by duly filling the proforma through the link provided for the respective event (present in the rules of each competition/event) by April 5, 2021.
The fee structure: Registration fees for each event in the National Law Fest 2021 are provided in the rules of the respective event.
Once an individual from a College/University has registered themselves for an event then he/she CANNOT alter their registration.
3. Registration link of Events
The registration link of the respective events are provided below:
Event 2: IPR Essay Writing Competition
3. Course of Event
The participants in each event are requested to ensure that they have completed the registration process.
The E-Quiz competition will be conducted through online platforms Zoom and Google Meet. The meeting ID, Password, and Link will be communicated to the participants before the event by the organizers of the respective event. All participants should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform with a good camera. This is a mandatory requirement for participation.
Participants are to use Laptops and Smartphones with good cameras during the course of the events.
4. Awards
The winners of each competition will be given a cash prize and an opportunity to intern with Singh and Singh Law Firm, Delhi.
E- Certificates will be given to all participants. E- Certificate of Merit will be given to the winners as well as to the runners-up.
5. Events Link
For rules, competition format, and proforma for registration of the events, click on the links given below:
Contact Information
In event of any clarifications, write to us at or kindly contact
Faculty Convenor CSRIPR
Dr. M.R.S. Murthy
(+91) 8580322036
Student Co-ordinators
Harshal Bhale
(+91) 6200557528
Shouraseni Chakraborty
(+91) 8910879404