The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad, is a deemed to be university established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and accredited by the UGC NAAC with “A” Grade. The ICFAI Law School, IFHE, Hyderabad is a promising destination for the students desirous of making law as their Dream “Career”.
The criminal justice system opines punishment as a primary response to the criminality. Punishing the criminals is a paramount duty of all civilized Nations. Incapacitation and incarceration were the preferred methods of punishment. So, the prison has been a form of punishment and history reveals the evolution of the types of prisons across the globe. It is evident from the historical literature that the prison environment is depicted as deplorable and inhumane. Prison environment varies widely around the world and the wide range of prison conditions reflects how each country treats its criminals.
With the evolution of prison reforms and prisoner’s rights across the globe, the punitive reaction approach paved toward humanizing punishment leading to the genesis of correctional ideology. Corrections birthed from penology, but hold a philosophy separate from mere penalizing.
The rationale behind corrections was to reform and restore. Corrections are not limited to prisons but also extend to community corrections through probation, parole etc. Correctional philosophy underlies such a mode of addressing criminal behaviour. In India, the reformation wave spread in the late twentieth century and as of now, we have our places of incarceration being called places offering corrections.
The ICFAI Law School is organizing the Conference in collaboration with the Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration (APCA), Vellore and the Institute of Correctional Administration (ICA), Chandigarh on 10th and 11th April 2020.
Academicians, professionals, students, research scholars.
- The full papers should preferably be formatted in the APA Style for formatting and referencing. The full paper should be written in less than 8000 words, including tables, exhibits, references and appendices.
- The manuscript should begin with a separate title page containing: the Paper Title, Authors’ affiliation and email ID, Abstract (Max 300 words), and Five Keywords.
- The rest of themanuscript should not contain any author identifying information.
The Proposals/Paper submissions will be through email only. Please send your proposals and full papers to cenexcrime[at]ifheindia.org.
Academicians/Professionals: Rs. 2500/- (with accommodation) and Rs. 1500/- (without accommodation)
Students and Research Scholars: Rs. 2000/- (with accommodation) and Rs. 1000/- (without accommodation)
- Account No: 020201007037
- Type of Account: Current Account
- Name of the Account: IFHE – Seminars & Workshops A/c
- Name of the Bank: ICICI Bank
- Bank Address: Nerella House, No.4, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500082, Telangana
- RTGS/NEFT IFSC Code : ICIC0000202
- Abstract Submission deadline: 14th March 2020
- Communication of Acceptance: 18th March 2020
- Full Paper submission: 28th March 2020
Email: cenexcrime[at]ifheindia.org
Coordinator: Dr. K.S. Rekhraj Jain, Assistant Professor, ICFAI Law School Mobile: 9704093588
Email: rekhrajjain[at]ifheindia.org
Co-coordinator: Ms. Anwesha Panigrahi, Assistant Professor, ICFAI Law School Mobile: 6371328533
Email: panigrahianwesha[at]ifheindia.org