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Call for Blogs on Rolling Basis (No fees)@Lex Jura Law Journal


About the organisation

The Lex Jura Law Journal is a peer-reviewed law journal published online. The journal is run and published by Vidhivyedetta, a partnership firm. The journal not only confines its scope to the latest and contemporary developments in the legal world but also puts light on the legal issues, with scientific research, facts and inside-study backing such information. The aim of this journal is to spread legal awareness and to bring out and propagate the opinion of the legal fraternity so that the developments in the legal field help in imparting justice at every level and to every section of the society.

We not only run a legal journal but are also engaged in creating legal awareness. This legal awareness programme includes circulating information through blogs, judgement analysis and our association with prestigious organisations. Our innovative method of presenting legal news and updates in one line is one of the most loved features of our legal awareness programme.


The blog does not limit the themes under which the articles, opinions, judgement analysis or statue analysis can be submitted. The authors are free to select any topic of their choice however, articles on contemporary legal topics are highly appreciated.


Articles in the nature of blogs, opinionated pieces, judgement analysis, policy analysis or statute analysis may be submitted. The writing should not be plagiarized and should be free from grammatical errors. We expect the authors to do justice to the questions posed in the manuscript and provide a comprehensible and detailed analysis of the same.


Lex Jura Law accepts unsolicited submissions. Any person enrolled in any undergraduate or post graduate courses relating to law and justice, criminology, journalism, economics or any other similar course are eligible for submitting their original work for publication. We also invite other members of legal fraternity to submit their original and unpublished works for publication.


1.    The article must be an original and unpublished work of the author(s).

2.    Authorship is permitted up to two authors. The authors can belong to different institutions and professions.

3.    The length of the article shall be more than 800 words but less than 2000 words, exclusive of footnotes. The upper limit of word count may be relaxed at the discretion of the editors, if the subject and the scope of research warrants the same.

4.    The blog doesn’t tolerate plagiarism and disqualifies plagiarised manuscripts at the outset. The manuscripts which are found to have plagiarized content above 15% will be disqualified without review.

5.    Interested authors can send their articles at

6.    Submission should be made in .docx only. Files in any other format shall not be considered for review. The title of the manuscript should be the name of the document.

7.    The name of the author(s) must be clearly mentioned in the body of the email along with the institution they are affiliated to, year of study, their course/profession along with contact details. We request the authors to keep the manuscripts anonymized.

8.    All references should be in the form of hyperlinks or endnotes. References in the form of footnotes may be avoided.

9.    All accepted and published manuscripts will receive a e-certificate of publication.


The submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team and the acceptance or rejection of the article will be communicated to the authors through email. The ownership rights over the published content will vest with the Lex Jura Law, the blogging wing of Lex Jura Law Journal. We encourage sharing of published articles via social media platforms.


Any Query related to submissions may be directed to


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