About the University

SGT University, nationally renowned for leadership in Medical and Health Sciences has established the Faculty of Law to promote profound scholarship and enlightened research in law, to provide highest quality professional legal education to face the new challenges and dimensions of the internationalization of legal profession. The vision of the Faculty of Law is to be “recognized nationally and globally for excellences in clinical legal education, community based out-reach program, socially relevant research and for honing up Lawyering, Arbitration, Mediation and Client Counseling Skills.” An abode for continual activity and unrelenting vitality, the Faculty of Law offers a wide array of academic and extracurricular opportunities making every day a potential adventure for the students.

About Legal Manthan

Legal Manthan is an academic association for students of faculty of law, SGT University. The association aims to create awareness about contemporary legal issues to promote Interdisciplinary understanding of legal problems, to bridge the gap between law and lawyers as a profession and other students. Legal Manthan also provides them a forum to discuss and deliberate regarding social, ethical & legal issues to facilitate students of other disciplines and in understanding legal aspects of legal issues and to promote strong foundation among the students about legal developments and issues.

About the Event

Legal Manthan, An academic Association of Students, faculty of Law, SGT University is organizing 1st National Virtual Legal Literary Event, 2021 dated 12th June, 2021. It includes a series of events i.e. to say, Essay Writing Competition, Poster Making Competition, Quiz Competition, Debate Competition & Extempore


  • Students of 5-years integrated law degree programme & 3-years law degree programme studying in Colleges/ Universities, approved by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate in the 1st National Virtual Legal Literary Event, 2021 organised by Legal Manthan, Faculty of Law, SGT University.
  • More than one team can register & participatefrom a particular Institution in the 1st National Virtual Legal Literary Event, 2021.


Name Team Participation Single Participation
Essay Writing Competition 200/- 150/-
Poster Making Competition 200/- 150/-
Quiz Competition N/A 150/-
Debate Competition 250/- N/A
Extempore N/A 150/-

  1. The team participating in all 3 team events will have to pay Rs.500/– only.
  2. Two persons participating in all events as a team or individual will have to pay Rs. 600/-only.


  1. Cash Prizes for the Winners
  2. Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Participation

Link for the brochurehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1L1X3yqd0i1fRm2eee1S3e_WkGpagsLCU/view?usp=sharing

Last date of Registration : 06th June, 2021

Contact Information

Email Id: literaryevent2021@sgtuniversity.org

Faculty Incharge:

  1. Ms. Yogita Jain(Convenor); 9667670996
  2. Mr. Pranay Prakash(Co-Convenor); 8053378541

Student Council:

  1. Mr. Himanshu Yadav (Coordinator);7015251556
  2. Mr. Utkarsh Yadav(Co-coordinator); 9990051316

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