EXAM BUDDY is aims at serving as a survival kit for all law students by means of online platform. The main idea is to assist every law student by all possible means which includes legal notes, drafting memorials and research papers, providing study materials for CLAT Aspirants and much more. We are constantly striving to help out every law student to make the best legal professionals out of them. Along side, we also aim at organizing quizzes, webinars and other exercises for law students, to make the process of becoming a lawyer more wholesome and exciting.
JUS COMMUNE is an online forum that promotes and seeks to maintain various legal competitions. The contests’ platter shall consist of quizzes, article writing, judgement writing, online debates etc. We strive to stimulate your abilities, and encourage you to sharpen your skills. We would showcase the best compositions with pride on Jus Commune. We believe that it’s competition which ensures the survival of the fittest.
The quiz aims at spreading awareness about the Indian Judiciary which has been praised and criticized time again over the years. It has set precedents which have been referred by various Courts of other jurisdictions as well. The quiz shall comprise of questions relating to the historical aspect of judicial system as well as current day to day affairs as well. The quiz ultimately shall enhance our knowledge about the Indian Judiciary as we aim to explore to bring forth its various facets.
The Quiz is open to anyone to interested about Indian Judiciary including law students as well as CLAT Aspirants.
Quiz shall take place Online and it will contain Multiple Choice Questions only, from which a participant has to choose one option.
- The total number of questions will be 20; all questions will carry 02 marks. There will be no negative marking.
- The first 10 questions will be “easy” level questions. The remaining questions will be “moderate to difficult” questions testing your advanced knowledge on the subject.
- The aggregate will be evaluated from a total of 40 Marks. And, the duration of the Quiz will be – 20 minutes.
- The online system where the quiz will be conducted will “not” allow you to leave the test screen. The Candidates are required to attempt the Quiz at one go.
- In case of a tie between participants securing a rank, prize money shall be equally distributed
Winner: A certificate of merit and prize money of Rs. 500/-
1st Runner-Up: A certificate of merit and prize money of Rs. 300/-
2nd Runner-Up: A certificate of merit and prize money of Rs. 200/-
Certificate of Excellence will be given to top 5 participants.
Certificate of participation will be awarded to every participant.
Note: There are surprise gifts for all participants on registration for the quiz
- Last date for registration: 13th June, 2020
- Date for online Quiz: 14th June, 2020 @ 11 am
- Declaration of answer key and individual participant scores: 20th June, 2020
- Declaration of final results: 22nd June, 2020
Click here for Registration Procedure.
A nominal fee of Rs. 50/- for each person is applicable for registration for the quiz.
Gpay/Paytm at 8791542378.
For any further queries contact us at:
WhatsApp: 8791542378/9861723001
Follow our Instagram Handle for more details:
@exam.buddy and @juscommune